Nominate for the Management Committee


Please click the green link below to download a nomination form for the Management Committee of Community Action for Better Living Inc. (CABL).

This form needs to be completed by a nominator, a seconder and the candidate for a Management Committee position, all of whom must be financial members of the Association.

Please save the completed form as a PDF. Upload the completed form below, or send via email to

To become a member, please click here.


View / download the nomination form

Upload your Nomination Form
Use the below form to upload your signed nomination form (in PDF format). Please ensure the form is completed and signed by a nominator, a seconder and the candidate for a Management Committee position, all of whom must be financial members of the Association.
(in case of any issues or if we require clarification)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.

The services provided by CABL are proudly funded by: