A new name for BCWS

A new name for BCWS

The organisation formerly known as Burwood Community Welfare Services (BCWS) has completed a change of name in 2023, and is now known as Community Action for Better Living (CABL).

This is the fourth time the organisation has changed its name since its establishment in 1967 as we continue to adapt to the changing world around us.

We now serve an area much wider than just Burwood and, rather than a focus on welfare, we deliver actions that support individuals and families and build community capacity to enable people, especially those who are experiencing difficulties, to live better lives. We remain committed to using our resources to provide the highest possible quality of service to the community of the Inner West.

Welfare Relief Assistance Programs

Welfare Relief Assistance Programs

CABL is not currently providing Welfare Relief Assistance Programs. If you require assistance of this kind, please contact us

Phone: (02) 9744 1866
Email: info@cabl.org.au

and our team can refer you to other local services.

COVID-19 information

COVID-19 information

Up-to-date information and resources on COVID-19 can be found on the following websites:

To ensure the safety of clients, staff and volunteers at CABL, we continue to follow the advice and requirements of NSW Health.